
13 February 2024
Statement regarding the recent military provocatio...

Western Azerbaijan Community strongly condemns the recent military provocation of Armenia ...

12 February 2024

09 February 2024
Statement on the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ar...

Yesterday's speech by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Armenia in The Hague shows that e...

08 February 2024
Statement regarding the US Embassy

The statement by the US Embassy about the early presidential elections held on February 7 ...

08 February 2024
Statement regarding Frank Schwabe, Member of the G...

The recent activities of German Bundestag member Frank Schwabe against Azerbaijan can be d...

07 February 2024
Statement regarding Armenian Foreign Ministry offi...

Armenian Foreign Ministry employee Edmond Marukyan made an illiterate, sloppy and provocat...

01 February 2024
Statement regarding the Speaker of the Armenian Pa...

Has called irresponsible the statements of the Speaker of the Armenian Parliament Alen Sim...

31 January 2024
Statement on Senator Ben Cardin

The Western Azerbaijani Community strongly condemns the Azerbaijanophobic activities of Se...

29 January 2024
Statement regarding the Deputy Minister of Foreign...

In response to the comments made by the Deputy Foreign Minister of Armenia about his count...

29 January 2024
Statement regarding the Prime Minister of Armenia ...

The views expressed by Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan in his speech on the occasi...

25 January 2024
Statement on the Parliamentary Assembly of the Cou...

The latest provocation against Azerbaijan in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of ...

24 January 2024
Statement on the European Union

In the document adopted by the European Union on its priorities at the UN in 2024, the phr...